Geen machines gevonden.
De Schans BV, Knikmops specialist and developer for the past 25 years
De Schans BV is specialist of Knikmops in the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia and the ABC islands.
Road workers in particular make use of the Knikmops. But so do landscaping firms, while building and construction companies are switching increasingly to the Knikmops. That makes sense, because the Knikmops can be used for a wide variety of applications thanks to its range of options and attachments. End-users’ specific wishes can be implemented in the final model. This means that De Schans BV can always supply a Knikmops that works efficiently in every area and for every job.
Optimas has now also been part of De Schans’ delivery program since January 2021. We can provide you with all Optimas products for the south and west of the Netherlands.
A service-oriented attitude is paramount at De Schans BV. Working with the end-user, considering opportunities for improvement and implementing this in the machines. Repairing on-site is not a problem. The Knikmops is light and compact. This means that even the largest model fits onto the service vehicle used to carry out maintenance on-site.
Would you like to try out a Knikmops (+ attachments) or Optimas for 3 days or have a demonstration without any obligation and free of charge? Then please contact us.